Cloud Concepts
What is Cloud?
- Someone else’s computer?
- Programmable, apis, gui, not obviously finite
- Abstracts away the physical computer
- Resource utilization
- Scalability and elasticity
- Reproducibility by way of programmability
- Reliability through redundancy
- Geographically distributed
- Devops blurs line between operator and developer
- Clouds can offer different service models:
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas) - virtual servers, networks, storage, firewalls, etc. (Openstack, Jetstream, AWS, Azure)
- Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) - deploy applications without managing virtual servers (APIs, TAPIS, Kubernetes)
- Software-as-a-service (SaaS) - Ready to use software (Google Maps, Office365, Github)
- Also: Functions-as-a-Service. (ABACO, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions)
- Cloud vs HPC
- VMs vs Containers
- Containers vs APIs
Cloud Means Different Things to Different Folks
Examples of different kinds of cloud users:
- System Administrators: use cloud to automate operations
- e.g. We are going to use Ansible to automate
- Software Developers: build applications on cloud servers and platforms
- Computational scientists - Write codes to analysis scientific data in the cloud
- The best cloud to use!**
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service (vms, networks, storage volumes, object storage)
- XSEDE Allocated
- Built using OpenStack
- “OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.”
- A huge Open Source collection of projects.
- APIs mostly written in Python.
- Leverages many existing Linux technologies such as virtualization, network bridges, logical volume management, etc.
- Virtual Machines (VMs or Instances) - Simulate a physical computer through software.
- crops vs houseplant (cattle vs pets)
- Flavors: (m1.tiny = 1cpu/2gb, m1.small = 2cpu/4gb, m1.medium = 4cpu/8gb, etc.)
- Tools to manage: Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Salt, etc.
- Block storage (volumes)
- Like a USB drive for your virtual machine
- Can be detached and plugged in to any VM, but only one at a time
- Like a blank hard drive, must be formatted
- Standard POSIX filesystem interface (ls, cd, cat, etc.)
- Object storage (s3/swift)
- Accessed by API (or curl)
- 2 kinds of objects: buckets and files
- Every file is a url. e.g.
- May require more effort to make use of in a program
- Often used for more scalable apps because the file is not necessarily present on the web server
- Performance implications due to network transfer time
- Software defined networking: Routers, networks and subnets - used to connect VMs to other computers.
- Private: non-routable ips (not accessible from public internet) (
- Public: routable to public internet
- Note that Docker creates its own private network on top of your vm’s private network (which is already virtual in Openstack)
- Firewall (control access by port, ip)
- Security groups - firewall rules enabling or disabling network traffic to/from ports on the VMs.
- Encryption
- SSH Keys
- SSL/TLS Encryption
- Authentication vs. Authorization
- Multi-Factor Authentication
Charge Model Considerations
- Cpu
- Memory
- Electricity/Cooling
- Bandwidth
- Egress/Ingress
- Storage
- Egress/Ingress
- Docker, Singularity (containers)
- Kubernetes, Slurm (orchestration)