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Science in the Cloud 2019

Atmosphere Command Line Utilities

Jetstream has a command-line alternative to the Atmosphere web-interface, called atmo. atmo provides the same control of Instances and Volumes that the web-interface does.


atmo can be installed into any Linux/MacOS environment using:

pip install --user atmosphere-cli

Two specific environment variables allow one to point atmo at your account on Jetstream. We recommend you add these to your .bashrc file in your $HOME directory:

export ATMO_BASE_URL=""
export ATMO_AUTH_TOKEN="fff28djdFAKETOKENfff28djdFAKETOKENfff28djd"


To get a Personal Access Token:

atmo Usage:

In your terminal type:

prompt> atmo --help
usage: atmo [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
            [--atmo-base-url <atmosphere-base-url>]
            [--atmo-auth-token <atmosphere-auth-token>]
            [--atmo-api-server-timeout <atmosphere-api-server-timeout>]

           Atmosphere CLI

           optional arguments:
             --version             show program's version number and exit
             -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
             -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
             --log-file LOG_FILE   Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
             -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
             --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
             --atmo-base-url <atmosphere-base-url>
                                   Base URL for the Atmosphere API (Env: ATMO_BASE_URL)
             --atmo-auth-token <atmosphere-auth-token>
                                   Token used to authenticate with the Atmosphere API
                                   (Env: ATMO_AUTH_TOKEN)
             --atmo-api-server-timeout <atmosphere-api-server-timeout>
                                   Server timeout (in seconds) when accessing Atmosphere
                                   API (Env: ATMO_API_SERVER_TIMEOUT)

             allocation source list  List allocation sources for a user.
             allocation source show  Show details for an allocation source.
             complete       print bash completion command (cliff)
             group list     List groups for a user.
             group show     Show details for a group.
             help           print detailed help for another command (cliff)
             identity list  List user identities managed by Atmosphere.
             identity show  Show details for a user identity.
             image list     List images for user.
             image search   Search images for user.
             image show     Show details for an image.
             image version list  List image versions for an image.
             image version show  Show details for an image version.
             instance actions  Show available actions for an instance.
             instance attach  Attach a volume to an instance.
             instance create  Create an instance.
             instance delete  Delete an instance.
             instance detach  Detach a volume from an instance.
             instance history  List history for instance.
             instance list  List instances for user.
             instance reboot  Reboot an instance.
             instance redeploy  Redeploy to an instance.
             instance resume  Resume an instance.
             instance shelve  Shelve an instance.
             instance show  Show details for an instance.
             instance start  Start an instance.
             instance stop  Stop an instance.
             instance suspend  Suspend an instance.
             instance unshelve  Unshelve an instance.
             maintenance record list  List maintenance records for Atmosphere.
             maintenance record show  Show details for a maintenance record.
             project create  Create a project.
             project list   List projects for a user.
             project show   Show details for a project.
             provider list  List cloud providers managed by Atmosphere.
             provider show  Show details for a cloud provider.
             size list      List sizes (instance configurations) for cloud provider.
             size show      Show details for a size (instance configuration).
             version        Show Atmosphere API version.
             volume create  Create a volume.
             volume delete  Delete a volume.
             volume list    List volumes for a user.
             volume show    Show details for a volume.


prompt> atmo provider list
| id | uuid                                 | name                           | type      | virtualization | public | active | start_date |
|  4 | f906a5ee-34a8-499a-9185-a35feb3d6f01 | Jetstream - Indiana University | OpenStack | KVM            | True   | True   | 2016-01-28 |
|  5 | 3ff65aa8-505b-48c3-aef1-aa0ada14c756 | Jetstream - TACC               | OpenStack | KVM            | True   | True   | 2016-02-16 |
prompt> atmo provider list
| uuid               | name               | status  | activity | ip_address     | size      | provider             | project       | launched   |
| 690c98d0-674e-     | Train199-U18-Docke | active  |          | | m1.tiny   | Jetstream - Indiana  | First_Project | 2019-07-22 |
| 4c7b-b6aa-         | r                  |         |          |                |           | University           |               |            |
| 20318568e90c       |                    |         |          |                |           |                      |               |            |
prompt> atmo instance show 690c98d0-674e-4c7b-b6aa-20318568e90c
| Field             | Value                                |
| id                | 33652                                |
| uuid              | 690c98d0-674e-4c7b-b6aa-20318568e90c |
| name              | Train199-U18-Docker                  |
| username          | train199                             |
| identity          | Username: train199, Project:train199 |
| project           | First_Project                        |
| allocation_source | TG-CDA170005                         |
| compute_allowed   | 150000                               |
| compute_used      | 104243.322                           |
| global_burn_rate  | 4.5                                  |
| user_compute_used | 801.51                               |
| user_burn_rate    | 3.5                                  |
| image_id          | 717                                  |
| image_version     | 1.22                                 |
| image_usage       | 104243.322                           |
| launched          | 2019-07-22                           |
| image_size        | m1.tiny                              |
| image_cpu         | 1                                    |
| image_mem         | 2048                                 |
| image_disk        | 8                                    |
| status            | active                               |
| activity          |                                      |
| ip_address        |                       |
| provider          | Jetstream - Indiana University       |
| web_desktop       | True                                 |
| shell             | False                                |
| vnc               | True                                 |

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